Wednesday, December 12, 2012


My husband is from Norway, and true to the stereotype, they eat a fair amount of fish. Hey, it's a stereotype for a reason.

We were visiting my mother-in-law who lives in Båtstø, south of Oslo in the Oslofjord, and she took us to this lovely little town called Holmsbu where we had the very best fishcakes I had ever eaten.

My husband and I have been striving to recreate the Holmsbu fishcakes, and while we haven't managed that feat just yet, we have created a very delicious alternative.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Wow...That Was Really...Bad!

So it came to be one night a few weeks ago that my husband, my cousin and I were seeking something to eat. We had been running around and had planned to eat at a small local take out joint, but when the line went out the door, my husband put his foot down. He needed to eat. Now.

So we went to a neighbourhood chain that we had never had occasion to visit before. Applebee's is large, well known, and always busy. How bad an Eating Experience could it be? Weeeellllll...

Saturday, December 1, 2012

In The Beginning...

...we started eating.

Now we're blogging.

About what we ate, where we ate it, and if we'd eat it again.

Some Eating Experiences just need their stories told. So let's move on to the first story...